The diagnosis of cancer may consume a person's energies, health and life. As patients we lament this major change to our health and wellbeing. We experience very deeply the challenges cancer presents in terms of our overall sense of self and life.
Shock and anger are often our initial reactions as patients to the news of the cancer. We ourselves, together with our family and friends, realise that life as a cancer patient will be a very different journey and path. Our family and friends are very important companions for us on our new journeys. Together as patient, family and companions we enter a new phase of our life journeys.
Our shared commitment, hope and life together with our own personal sense of the spiritual are central to our being positive in this new phase of our life journeys as cancer patients and as family and friends. Our journeying together beyond the diagnosis to a new sense of life and hope is our key focus.
The Sydney Cancer Survivorship Centre is integral to our new journeying. At the Survivorship Centre a very specialised and dedicated group of doctors, clinicians, exercise physiologists, dieticians, nurses, artists, musicians, course instructors, and researchers walk with us as cancer survivors. The atmosphere is rich in hope, life and in people's concern for each other.