Survivors Showcase

Cancer: The Silences Within


It is cancer! Cancer? Cancer it is.
Give me time. Give me space. My life different, changed, unknown.
Who was, is, will be with me? Family, friends been visiting.
Who is ready for the welcoming? Who is ready to welcome?
Me? Them? This together with the unexpected, unknown.

Silence, space, time, waiting.
Feelings new, unknown, depth unfathomed.
Feelings with a different energy, driving to new spaces, depths.
Darkness emerging at times pervasive within the pain;
Anger felt, expressed though not always voiced.

My silence, space, time for seeking new power within.
Who with me now? Who welcomed later?
All to meet the challenge and depth of a new mutual respect.
New depths of respect for from patient, family, friends.
All surprised, shocked with new expressions in silence, space, words.
All to be open in many different ways to the power within.

More open to the journey, acknowledging challenges, struggles, gifts.
Silences bring gift of new and deepening presences.
New peace in the journey from shared strength, power, hope.
A journey for each within a journey shared.
New sense of silence and power - this a new presence shared.
Presence of hope within a journey shared.

Reflecting on his own and other cancer survivors’ journeys
Jude Butcher - 12 May 2019

Tree of Hope

Painting and Drawing
Drawing of a tree with colours in the background

Dawn Welcomes

Poetry and Photography
Lake at dawn

“Dawn welcomes us into an unknown day
Offering a stillness, deeply treasured
One that enlightens and enlivens
Our journey into the day.

Waves of light inviting us into that journey
New energies engaging us in its quietness
Bringing Hope, not Fear,
To guide us along the way.”

Reflecting on his own and other cancer survivors’ journeys
Jude Butcher - 24 November 2020